Preserving Arvin

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This is not only a nice war time ad, but also a historical ad of some value as it contains images of the nine facilities that housed the company's manufacturing  facilities in 1940.

Here is a great ad that actually appeared a few weeks prior to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.  It did show the readiness of the company to join and support the war effort; and, unlike the above war time ads, is in color --- not coincidentally red, white, and blue!!

War Time Advertising

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While the company devoted all its manufacturing facilities and resources to products for the war effort, they continued to spend money advertising in national media over the course of the war.  One could assume this was for multiple reasons:

  • Show their support for the war efforts and service men and women
  • Keep the company name and brand in front of the consuming public
  • Set the stage for similar advertising once the war ended and peace time products were once again offered

Noblitt-Sparks was proud of their war time efforts, and that pride was exhibited in a wide range of advertising.

For a look at images of these ads with slightly better resolution (these are photographic imgaes and not scanned images), you can go to the:  War Time Ads page

**********************************************************************************Some interesting notes about the above advertising:

  • Women were prominently featured (this recognized their huge presence in the manufacturing support for the war effort)
  • The men pictured in the ads were all wearing service uniforms
  • Even the ads like the last three on the bottom row that are setting the stage for post-war "business as usual" are pushing the reader to "BUY WAR BONDS"

(Webmaster's note:  The above ads are part of a private collection of framed wall-hangings, hence the skewed images.  In the future, we will have some scanned images of these and other war time ads)
