Preserving Arvin

The  first combination radio - phonograph combo was actually part of the Phantom Series in 1938.  The offering was a chairside radio (the Model 848CS), 

but we have also found one example of the 828 console from that year that included a turntable as well.  We do not know if this was a prototype, as we can found no sales literature confirming its existence; but we do have an actual example .

Late in 1938 (as part of the 1939 series of radios), a table top radio-phonograph set (the Model 88 seen at right) was offered.

While these offerings were fairly scare, probably the most unique and collectible example of early Arvin combo sets were introduced in 1939 as part of the 1940 line of radios.  The 302 and 302A are "cute" metal cased sets that are nice collectibles due to their compact nature. 

Here are images of 302s as well as some later wooden cabinet sets.

Radio - Phonograph Combos

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